Writing TEEL OR PEEL paragraphs
Many students learn to apply the PEEL or TEEL structure for constructing nonfiction paragraphs.

The structures have been particularly popular in supporting students to write persuasive essays, discussions and arguments, as the structure provides a framework for constructing individual, main-idea paragraphs which transition smoothly to the next main idea. As a result, student essays contain clear, focused paragraphs in which sentences are sequenced, coherent and cohesive.
Simple writing sentence charts can support the TEEL and PEEL framework. We have published a number of these charts to assist as well as several planning templates. You may also be interested in the accompanying video, which addresses the decisions students make when using the structure and may be useful in adding clarity.
We hope you find this overview of writing TEEL or PEEL paragraphs and the accompanying video, planning templates and sentence charts a useful resource when teaching writing.