Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Literacy Teachers’ Academy – Q&A Webinar Video

Thursday, 10 August 2023 at 11:01 am

The Literacy Teachers’ Academy is up and running and has welcomed its first members. Last Thursday’s first Q&A Webinar is now available to view on video (see below).

Remember all future Q&A webinar videos will be available for members in the LTA webinar archive.

We’d like to thank our Literacy Solutions subscribers for your patience during our LTA promotion and launch. We’ll continue sharing samples of the …

Literacy Teachers’ Academy – Now Open for Membership

Monday, 24 July 2023 at 10:00 am

The Literacy Teachers’ Academy officially opened last Thursday.  Launch discounts are still available, but be quick as the 50% discount offer ends at midnight tonight (24 July 2023).

50% discount on membership (ENDS at midnight tonight)

33% discount (Available from 25 July to 4 August)

Memberships are grandfathered, so joining on one of these discounts ensures you permanently enjoy the price saving whilst you maintain an ongoing membership.

Webinar video

The …

Literacy Teachers’ Academy – Launch Discounts and Short Tour

Wednesday, 12 July 2023 at 11:10 am

Just over two weeks until the Literacy Teachers’ Academy opens its doors.  Take a sneak peak inside to see what an LTA membership offers.

LTA Short Tour

The video below provides a short tour through the Literacy Teachers Acacemy.  For a more in depth look, 14 day free trials will be available when launched on 20 July.

Launch Discounts

Jump straight into your membership before 25 July to enjoy a 50% discount on …

Literacy Teachers’ Academy – Sneak Peak Inside

Monday, 10 July 2023 at 9:18 am

Just over two weeks until the Literacy Teachers’ Academy opens its doors.  Take a sneak peak inside to get a glimpse of what an LTA membership offers.

Inside LTA

The images below are a quick glimpse inside the Literacy Teachers’ Academy. For a short tour of the Academy, register for one of the free webinars on 20 July.


Two FREE Webinars – Register Now!

Coming up in term 3, …

Literacy Teachers’ Academy – Two Free Webinars & Q&As

Monday, 3 July 2023 at 9:57 am

Two Free Webinars

Coming up in term 3, Literacy Solutions will deliver two free webinars. Each will also include a short Q&A session answering your questions about the new Literacy Teachers’ Academy.Webinar 1 Integrated literacy instruction (25-30 minutes)20 July 2023  10:00am  or20 July 2023  3:30pm

Integrated literacy instruction: Teaching literacy across the curriculum

In this live conversation, Angela Ehmer discusses the importance of explicit literacy instruction across the curriculum and provides an overview …

Literacy Teachers’ Academy – Learn, Share, Grow

Monday, 19 June 2023 at 9:56 am

Learn, Share, Grow

This is the mantra we’ve adopted for the new Literacy Teachers’ Academy (LTA) and embodies the philosophy the Academy will nourish.  Our aim is to support all members with a vast and continually growing collection of resources and professional learning sessions to support the evolving needs of teachers and to foster a friendly and supportive environment where teachers can share their expertise with others and grow …

Signs of illiteracy in the strangest places

Saturday, 27 June 2009 at 7:40 pm

I had a pretty stressful experience on the week-end that kept reminded me of two important things. Here’s what happened …

It was Saturday morning. I had a very important appointment in the city. I parked the car in a multilevel basement car park and walked to the lift. On the way I passed a stairwell to street level, a quicker exit option, but noticed it …