Supporting Students in Reading Frequently Asked Questions

For questions that are not addressed below, just email us at

Is the 'Supporting Students in Reading' video presentation for me?

The Supporting Students in Reading video presentation is suitable for Teachers' Aides. Teachers or Administrators supporting Teachers' Aides must also register as participants if attending.

How can I view this video?

Upon registration you will receive an email containing your invoice and details about how to login to access the video. All videos are streamed from our website and are not available to download. You will need to ensure your network is capable of streaming online video.

How long will I have to access to the video?

You have 14 days access to the video after you register. Ensure you have allocated enough time to watch the video before your access expires.

Will watching this video give me a formal qualification?

After watching this video you will have access to download and print a certificate which confirms your completion of one full-day of professional learning on this topic.