Comprehension Charts
33 posters in A4 prompt card size and A3 mini poster size

To assist in the delivery of small and large group reading lessons, these posters are designed to be used to highlight teaching and learning goals in explicit lessons and for goal setting with students. Posters are available in A4 prompt card size and A3 mini poster size. A selection of charts is available for lower school and middle to upper school.
Should you have trouble printing these onto one page, just set you printer to 'Shrink to printable area'.
This set of Comprehension Charts is available for lower (18 charts), middle & upper school (15 charts).
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Lower school (size A4)
- Adapt your speed
- Add expression
- Connect
- I read the punctuation
- I sound like I am talking
- Infer
- Look for key words
- Main idea
- Predict
- Read ahead
- Reflect
- Reflection - Think what did I learn
- Re-read
- Question
- Self correct
- Synthesise
- Use the picture clues
- Visualise
Lower school (size A3)
- Adapt your speed
- Add expression
- Connect
- I read the punctuation
- I sound like I am talking
- Infer
- Look for key words
- Main idea
- Predict
- Read ahead
- Reflect
- Reflection - Think what did I learn
- Re-read
- Question
- Self correct
- Synthesise
- Use the picture clues
- Visualise
Middle-upper school (size A4)
- Author purpose
- Connect
- Determine relevance
- Infer
- Monitor
- Predict
- Prosody
- Question
- Scanning
- Skimming
- Synthesise
- Taking words apart
- Use punctuation to regulate fluency
- Visualise
- Vocabulary