Six Traits Detailed Wall Charts – Ages 9-16

These detailed charts provide examples of writing skills and behaviours to match the Traits. The charts may be used as a permanent display to remind students to apply the Traits when writing.
We demonstrate lessons with students while your teachers and support staff observe. Modelled teaching supports educators to action the teaching approaches discussed at workshops.
Build a common understanding of approaches to teaching literacy across the primary school. Assist educators to extend their knowledge and expertise to produce the best possible outcomes for students.
Face-to-face delivery customized for your school
Angela Ehmer will deliver 'Practical Strategies for Teaching Comprehension' to Teachers' Aides on 22 March 2023
Mind Maps, Organisers & Planners for Writing
Multiple Intelligences Response Cards
Planners and Organisers for Writing
Supporting Readers and Writers
The Bookmark Book
The Daily Chat
The Daily Write
The Daily Write (Early Years)
The Task Card Book
The Comprehension Toolkit (5-8)
Mind Maps & Organisers Reading
Blank anchor charts - Ages 5-11
Blank anchor charts - Ages 9-16
Detailed Wall Charts - Ages 5-11
Detailed Wall Charts - Ages 9-16
Six Traits Overview
Picture Charts - Ages 5-11
Picture Charts - Ages 9-16
Rubric Scorer (App)
Simple Chart Set - Ages 5-11
Simple Chart Set - Ages 9-16
Single Chart - Ages 5-11
Single Chart - Ages 9-16
Sorting Task Headings
Sorting Task Prompts
Sensory Details Chart
These detailed charts provide examples of writing skills and behaviours to match the Traits. The charts may be used as a permanent display to remind students to apply the Traits when writing.