'Have Your Say' Writing Prompts
Four stimulus prompts to teach persuasive skills.

The ‘Have Your Say’ writing stimulus prompts are designed for students to apply and practice their persuasive skills. Each prompt is designed for a short burst of writing instruction. However, teachers should make their own judgment about how a stimulus prompt might be used.
This resource can be:
- viewed on-screen
- projected to an interactive board or screen
- printed out for use in small groups
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Lower school (ages 5-8)
- Everyone in the family should help
- You should never bother a child while they are watching television or playing a video game
Upper school (ages 8-12)
'Have Your Say' Overview
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The full set of this resource contains 25 stimulus prompts (10 lower school and 15 upper school). Access the other 21 writing prompts over the coming weeks as a member of the Literacy Teachers' Academy.
The full set of 'Have Your Say' Quick Writes available for members of the Academy are listed below:
For ages 5 to 8
- Being the winner is the most important thing
- It's important to be kind to animals
- Every child should have a pet
- Everyone in the family should help
- Good friends can change your life
- Most people are kind
- If you see a dog, you should always pat it
- It would be great to have a pet tiger
- You should never bother a child while they are watching television or playing a video game
- Zoos help people to learn about animals
For ages 8 to 12
- Australia was invaded by the British
- Eye contact is over-rated
- Family is important
- People who are grateful are probably happier than people who are not
- It's good to have a hobby
- It's never okay to lie
- Kindness is the most important attribute
- Knowing your family history is important
- Money always brings happiness
- We should plan for more nature corridors to protect wildlife
- A great teacher/coach/adult friend can change your life
- All people should be treated equally
- People should ask you before taking your photo and posting it online
- Pets enhance happiness
- To prevent waste, everyone should take their own shopping bags to the shops