Recommended Read Aloud / Picture Books
"Reading aloud with children is known to be the single most important activity for building the knowledge and skills they will eventually require for learning to read."
Marilyn Jager Adams

- Albert's Old Shoes - by Stephen Muir
- Are You My Mother? - by PD Eastman
- Baby! Talk! - by Penny Gentieu
- Big Bear Ball - by Joanne Ryder
- Boo to a Goose - by Mem Fox
- Brown Bear, Brown Bear - by Bill Martin Jr
- Changes, Changes - by Pat Hutchins
- Dassy is a Mommy - by Lisa Kopper
- Dear Zoo - by Rod Campbell
- Dinosaur! - by Peter Sis
- Dinosaur's Binkit - by Sandra Boynton
- Do You Want to Be My Friend? - by Eric Carle
- Dr Seuss's ABC - by Dr Seuss
- Dressing George Illustrated - by Paul George
- Each Peach Pear Plum - by Allan Ahlberg
- Edwina the Emu - by Sheena Knowles
- Fancy Nancy - by Jane O'Connor
- Fire Truck - by Peter Sis
- Fix-It Duck - by Jez Alborough
- George's Breakfast Illustrated - by Paul George
- Goodnight Moon - by Margaret Wise Brown
- Green Air - by Jill Morris
- Green Eggs and Ham - by Dr Seuss
- Grow! Babies! - by Penny Gentieu
- Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy - by Lynley Dodd
- Hand Hand Finger Thumb - by Al Perkins
- Hattie and the Fox - by Mem Fox
- Here Are My Hands - by Bill Martin
- Here Come Poppy and Max - by Lindsey Grdiner
- I Like It When . . . - by Mary Murphy
- I Went Walking - by Sue Machin
- In the Tall, Tall Grass - by Marjorie Flack
- It's the Bear! - by Jez Alborough
- Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? - by Nancy White Carlstrom
- Jump, Frog, Jump! - by Robert Kalan
- Kipper - by Mick Inkpen
- Koala Lou - by Mem Fox
- Let's Go, Anna! - by Vivian French
- Look at the Baby - by Kelly Johnson
- Look! Look! Look! - by Tana Hoban
- Lucy Cousin's Big Book of Nursery Rhymes
- Madeline - by Ludwig Bemelmans
- Maisy Makes Lemonade - by Lucy Cousins
- Moo, Baa, La La La - by Sandra Boynton
- Mr Grumpy's Outing - by John Burningham
- Night Train - by Caroline Stutson
- One Beautiful Baby - by Martine Oborne
- Over in the Meadow - by Jane Cabrera
- Owl Babies - by Martin Waddell
- Panda Big and Panda Small - by Jane Cabrera
- Playtime Rhymes for Little People
- Pog - by Lyn Lee
- Possum Magic - by Mem Fox
- Quiet Night - by Marilyn Singer
- Quilt Counting - by Lesa Cline-Ransome
- Rascal the Dragon - by Paul Jennings
- Rosie's Walk - by Pat Hutchins
- Sebastian Lives in a Hat - by Thelma Catterwell
- Shoes from Grandpa - by Mem Fox
- Sleepy Bears - by Mem Fox
- Sleepy Me - by Marnie McGee
- Slinky Malinki - by Lynley Dodd
- Spot's First Walk - by Eric Hill
- The Big Book of Beautiful Babies - by David Ellwand
- The Bugliest Bug - by Carol Diggory Shields
- The Bunyip of Berkeley's Creek - by Jenny Wagner
- The Magic Hat - by Mem Fox
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar - by Eric Carle
- Tickle, Tickle - by Dakari Hru
- Time for Bed - by Mem Fox
- Tough Boris - by Mem Fox
- Watch Out! Big Bro's Coming! - by Jez Alborough
- We're Going on a Bear Hunt - by Michael Rosen
- What Can Pinky Hear? - by Lucy Cousins
- Where is Maisy's Panda - by Lucy Cousins
- Where is the Green Sheep? - by Mem Fox
- Where the Wild Things Are - by Maurice Sendak
- Where's My Teddy? - by Jez Alborough
- Where's Spot? - by Eric Hill
- Who Hoots? - by Katie Davis
- Who Hops? - by Katie Davis
- Who Sank the Boat? - by Pamela Allen
- Who Will Tuck Me in Tonight? - by Carol Roth
- Whose Baby Am I? - by John Butler
- Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge - by Mem Fox
- Wombat Devine - by Mem Fox
- Wombat Stew - by Marcia K. Vaughan
- Wow! Babies! - by Penny Gentieu